The Daisy

The Daisy
My favorite flower!

Monday, December 1, 2008

How prayers are heard!

Last one for tonight I promise! We were getting ready for bed, you know reading scriptures, prayers, etc. Well tonight it was Hannah's turn to say family prayer before bed. She's very into saying meaningful prayers. If you've ever heard Ian pray you'd appreciate her hard work at keeping it original each time she prays. :) We've struggled with Ian in getting him to think about what he says, instead of just saying the same thing each time he prays. We almost have to cut her off from her narrative to our Father in Heaven so we can get them to bed!

Hannah said her wonderful prayer and then had to explain to me how Jesus hears our prayers. According to her, He grabs them out of the air and then reads them! I love just how simple a child's mind works! It makes sense to her, so it must be how it is! I love hearing their explinations of the way things work!

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