The Daisy

The Daisy
My favorite flower!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Party!

Through out the whole party Rowan had some sort of treat continously stuffed in his mouth. It's like he thought he was never gonna get candy ever again!

Rowan had so much fun running around and getting into everything he possibly could. When ever it would get quiet and we couldn't find him. We'd check behind the Christmas tree and sure enough there he was, snitching the candy canes off the tree! Here's a picture of him being caught in the act! He thought he was in trouble for sure!Here's another of him with a treat in his mouth! I'm really surprised he didn't end up with a tummy ache with the amount of sugar he ate that day.
Jeff was asked to "Man" the craft table! I spent my time with a hammer and nails in my hand! Lol! Enough said huh! :) He tried to make a few crafts, but his projects just never seemed to stay together! Good try though honey!

Hannah did a bit of everything!

She was especially good at decorating cookies and then sharing them with anyone that didn't have a cookie their hands already! This is her castle box she helped build.

This is where Ian and I spent most of our time. Building little projects! Or rather, Ian would find the ones he wanted, open them, start pounding nails in and then say, " Mom this is too hard, will you do it!" So we, I mean I ended up building a ship, a car, a plane, two baseball bat & glove holders, a football plaque, tool box (dad helped build that one), book rack, a castle box (another friend helped Hannah build it), and a napkin holder! But I must admit I loved every second of it!

He really had a good time hammering nails! Although most ended up being hammered through the wood and into the table.

One of the many, finished products!

Great job Ian!

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