The Daisy

The Daisy
My favorite flower!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Four Year Old Way of Thinking~

I'm in the Young Women's group (our youth ages 12 to 18). Today during this time Rowan was brought to me because he didn't want to stay in his class. Well we had 3 different women (most of the leaders) who were pregnant. Rowan kept pointing at them and asking if they each had a baby in their tummy. I'd quietly tell him yes they each had a baby in their tummy. Well that wasn't good enough for him, he wanted to see them for himself. I said we can't see them yet cause they're still in their mommy's tummy. He replied, "Well I'll just open their mouth and look in!" Lol! Wish it were that easy!


Carrie said...

How cute is that! I can't believe he is already 4! I know you are great in the YW's program. I love Hannah's deep thinking too. She is a smart girl. :)

Jeff, Mandy and Kids! said...

:) I was actually released just today, but it was fun while it lasted!